
I agree. The use of keys seems to be a killer just to start. I sometimes wish I could code, but my abilities there are highly limited, to say the least.

However, I do have sort of an idea that might help. What if developers could put together a small download package upon creation of a hive account. The download package would be a 'Hive Installer.' It would download the files for the user's new Hive keys and create a folder in a specific directory with the keys inside. Then it would download Hive Keychain and automatically import the account keys (with permission prompts from the user's API) into the Hive Keychain.

All they would have to do is click 'Install Hive Keys' and all the rest would be done for them. Single click, and they are in and able to access and use their Hive accounts with ease.

Do you think this would be possible?

I guess it would be possible just not sure about how safe it would be.

Yap really!