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RE: How Many Of My Upvoters Are Actively Using Hive? (Addressing Downvote Cancel Culture on Hive)

in #hive3 years ago

I do not auto vote, and all my votes (and reblogs) of your posts are manually performed by me, because I support your work! This can be easily seen in that I do not vote all your posts :) But I am active, as can also be seen by regular content I put out...

I do not think that this is the real issue, just the excuse to maintain the facade that there is not coordinated targeting of specific users and content. The reason for downvotes of my work by one downvoter was that it was, in their opinion of course, "not valuable" to the blockchain, although valuable to the many followers actually reading/viewing, commenting and sharing the posts. I think I'm up to 16 posts in a row targeted, most zeroed out, and ironically enough, among them have been some of the most popular, most shared, and in the case of the vaxx injury compilation you reblogged, my most viewed 3Speak video! I think this speaks to what is really going on here...


Hey Jason, thanks for your comment and support!
The 3Speak team are very well aware of this issue and I will be working with them to find solutions moving forward - ideally before the end of this year.