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RE: Hive Today - July 31st, 2021 - Splinterlands on THE MOON!

in #hive3 years ago

New account signups - more than 5,000 Hive accounts created by Splinterlands this week.

Wow that's a massive number of hive account created due to the Splinterlands craze. Also nice seeing hive responding to it with the 50% increase few days ago. Great time to be alive around here

Nice one with the condenser on those frontends and cubfinance UI update. Thanks for hive power up reminder. Looking forward to that tomorrow

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Thanks for the feedback. I totally forgot to mention the Hive price pump. I guess you can see where my attention is focused. 😛

Hive Keychain is updated for Firefox already. So some users will notice the lightning fast operations.

Good luck with HPUD rewards.