Just keep on going on.. | Hive Blog #06

in #hivelast year


For the ones who might need to hear this: it is okay to say that you’re finding it hard to stand firm and be steadfast despite the never ceasing storm that keeps on bashing your ship. it is okay to feel drain and feel you don’t want it anymore. but there will come a day that you will finally hold a grasp why you had to be placed in dark places and planted in the ground where you think it is impossible for you to grow. but for now, even it’s hard—may you still keep your foundation rooted deep despite being rained on with so many insecurities you have in yourself and uncertainties you have on your becoming. your purpose isn't where you are at the moment, because you are into greater things.

one day, you will finally see why you had to be there, it will make sense —it will make sense. and as you will look back, you will gonna thank yourself that after all you kept going.

take a pause, and if there’s a needed to reroute, then do and go to the other direction—just keep on going.