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RE: ??

in #hivelast year

I am buying accounts in the name of social organisations and community projects, but also for people who need to express themselves in various ways. As onboarding is not simple and as toxic behavior can arise fast, this is the best proxi we found or to leave. Butwe prefered re invest everything in the community? Is that wrong?


You should aim towards teaching people to take responsibility for themselves - not make some service like a bank.

Not your keys not your coins.
This is the very first thing you should teach every interested human being.

Otherwise you are just very blatantly scamming and hiding as helping saviour.

You appear to know this very well - but it also seems very much like you withhold exactly this information.
This is evil intent.

Why can't these organisations or whatever buy accounts themselves?
Or just ask the community for free ones, even I have a lot of account-creation tokens and can supply free accounts - I am not the only one.

Sounds like a lot of scam, telling people lies - it is not like one can only get an account through your 'help'.

There is no need to buy accounts. Accounts can be given away for free. But to sell them for 99€ and create some shitty introduction posts which are then always upvoted and shilled by the same loser accounts is not a good practice!
People need to get educated how to create their own account. Anything else is not authentic and just fake. But I guess you don´t care.

I think people are fast judging without understanding. It is more simple.

Then please explain it to us! Is it true that you keep the keys of your "customers"?
An urgent advice: I would be now really very cautious. Things could go easily downhill a lot for you. Please be honest and open and address the allegations made.

Should start moving people to new accounts and start downvoting all these "masked" alts.

He is not able - the (very bad) cover has already been busted
just look into his wallet

we have been very generous for a long time - now we have a victim and can't be generous anymore
we dont know how many already have been scammed