Setting the base expectation for dapp/project PROPOSALS

in #hivelast year (edited)


There is a real problem with DHF funding on Hive.

DHF is used to fund proposals that basically only service Hive or for dapps with miniscule growth only focused on their small chunk of the Hive user base.
Created for Hivers to fund and Hivers to use.

There is very little to no effort put into external reach.

So lets set a minimum expectation for that. Something thats easily accessible and free to do with massive ceiling potential.

For that reason going forward I will not be supporting any dapp or project that doesnt openly state that they will have someone speaking on niche related topics on various CT spaces at least once a week.
Im an orca size account and my vote wont help much with passing a proposal but ill make sure to state that on Hive.
I know people that made millions of dollars pushing their stuff on spaces, simply talking to people, VCs, users, investors. I can give you dozens of examples. People that were on financial aid, making millions all using Spaces for it.

Its free to do and basically no one is doing it.
Start small, have your voice become relevant.

Dapps for the purpose of a small chunk of the Hive community using it with 0 shown intent on growth is a waste of money in my book.

That is the expectation I am setting for my vote.

Screenshot (792).png

No CT spaces activity, no funding.

For any small project thats a good start, its a free start. You arent Splinterlands that has the basis for serious partners.

Spaces have become so relevant nowadays that in reach they exceed mainstream media.
This should become a given requirement when judging a proposals merit.

Not because it should be the only thing they do but because it should be the basis of their external reach.

If you suck at speaking about your project, get gud. Get gud fast.


Hive is an island right now in the crypto sphere and all our proposal makers are happy playing with their duckies and buckets on the sandy beach.
If thats what you want to do, maybe just stay at home.

The seed money provided by DHF should come with an expectation of external effort and not only servicing and dapp feature effort.

Freechain wasnt made so Lordbutterfly could get some money from the DHF.
Lordbutterfly made Freechain so he can develop connections in the industry, so the story can be shown outside Hive, so it can go on streaming services, so it can enter film festivals. And if stuff happens like we hope it does I will have financial benefit from it and Hive will have benefit from it.

Imagine the utterly stupid idea and waste of money it would be making a film intended for a few thousands Hivers to watch and maybe if someone sees it on accident that wanders to Hive.
Why wouldnt that apply to dapps as well?

Once the time comes and we are ready, guess where you will find me speaking?
On Twitter spaces.
Not because I like speaking in public, or I'm a glutton for attention but because its NECCESARY.

Spaces should be the basis of your external reach. Thats it.
You want my proposal support, that is my basic requirement.
Not my only requirement, but before its fulfilled, I dont care about anything else.


There has been a Space running for over a year now that is about Hive and what is going on here. It's called #HIVESPACE, hosted by @alessandrawhite and cohosted by @epodcaster and I. Anyone doing a project on Hive could be our guest each week. Feel free to approach any of us to let us know you'd like to appear. The Space is on Tuesday evenings starting at 8:15pm EST.

We'll also considering adjusting our time to accommodate the overseas projects. While a consistent timeslot is good to have, the shows are recorded and people do listen to the recordings.

Hive related twitter spaces are great but they are just that. Hive related. Im talking here about Twitter spaces that have nothing to do with Hive.

Made by people that have nothing to do with Hive discussing topics that are related to Hive. That is where you find new users.

The space is designed to draw in non hive listeners. We also willingly explain Hive to them in no tech terms. The Space has been directly responsible for several new members in the last year. That’s the reason for having the Space is to draw in the general public and evangelize the chain.

With the tech issues that Twitter Spaces has, having a space just to reach Hivians is an exercise insanity.

Sure, its a good initiative, definitely valuable. But im talking about putting in effort to attract attention outside Hive related initiatives.

Interesting idea… I suspect that’s a criteria that will nicely focus what you support and thin the numbers. Will be interesting to see where it goes.

It would be great to create a list of Spaces which meet the criteria. I think the more that we can support these external initiatives the better.

The way I see it, we are all evangelizing Hive in or own ways to reach more of the mainstream. What I am seeing in my own evangelism efforts is that creators are tired of algorithms, limited reach, and having to chase trends/memes. The lack of ownership and earnings plays into that as well. They know they could wake up one day and see their traditional social media accounts, followers, and content gone in a single Thanos-like snap weighs heavily on all Web2 creators. The fact is creators are frustrated and exhausted by it all. .

We all know Hive solves for that. Which is why we've seen folks who joined #HiveSpace to learn about Web3 have since joined Hive are are now on traditional social less and less because of the value they see on Hive. This is a very slow burn and takes time, but since we're going to be evangelizing anyway, I think it's worth the effort.

But sir build it and they will come

Sure they will.

THat's a very reasonable approach. I can understand that some here dislike centralized media... but as you say, catering just to our little community does feel a but narrow sighted. And Twitter is definitely were most poeple are hanging out, crypto related and not; so putting the extra effort will probably pay out later! Cheers!

You're an example here as well, @thatkidsblack.

Just wanna give a shoutout to @starkerz, @theycallmedan, @brianoflondon, and @taskmaster4450 for hosting the CTT podcast. While CTT is busy setting up a Twitch Livestream, which I honestly believe would attract new users for sure, they do this for free. Every time I tune in, I get a lot of value out of it, as a Hive user. And, educating Hive users properly is also one factor that should not be ignored IMO. In a sense, CTT is educating Hivers about Crypto and Blockchain, and not perse the "Hive is great" education everyone on Hive already knows about.

A note though, Twitter Spaces is just one way to get more exposure and eyes to Hive. Actively inviting people from other ecosystems/blockchains and having them in for a chat, in, for example, a CTT podcast could also be highly attractive, as there's a whole Hive crowd welcoming all sorts of people to the Hive community.

Despite that, if you run a business: pay the expenses from the profit you get from running it. Of course, there are tools that run on a zero-profit model, or are highly beneficial for the Hive community, but usually, these tools are Hive-focused.

It's good that people like yourself are speaking up. I sometimes lack the "proper" wording.

Good to hear you earlier today man!

A note though, Twitter Spaces is just one way to get more exposure and eyes to Hive. Actively inviting people from other ecosystems/blockchains and having them in for a chat, in, for example, a CTT podcast could also be highly attractive.

Of course but thats not what the proposal makers will be doing. Thats what CTT, Dan and Matt are doing. Those requesting funds need to be going out and talking about their project with people that arent on Hive.

Good to hear you earlier today man!

It was fun. 😉

Good idea but can I still be the one dude who doesn't use Twitter?

Lordbutterfly, officially added to my list of reasonable people on Hive, check!

Great move lord. Attend Spaces and also start creating content on Twitter. A simple strategy like this one:

  • 3 Tweets a day
  • 1 Thread per week
  • 10 comments a day on big accounts relevant to your niche.

Twitter algo demands engagement and activity. The more, the better.

Ecency and Peakd gets huge funding from DHF yet their social marketing is almost non-existent. I laugh at their Twitter accounts every time I see some updates. Clearly they don't know how to leverage the power of Twitter.

They should have a budget for marketing too. I think their products are good but not many people know about them on Crypto Twitter apart from Hivers.

They can either hire a ghostwriter (social media manager) or start using AI to generate content. Just look at HiveKeychain's Twitter account. Their social media manager is doing an amazing job. But then, it's only a tool for Hivers.

They should have a budget for marketing too.

If they dont want to use a free, proven to be effective marketing tool then they shouldnt ask for a marketing budget.

I think their products are good but not many people know about them on Crypto Twitter apart from Hivers.

A dapp with an existing userbase would have an easy time getting on some larger spaces but they dont have an incentive to do so.

Theyre not funded by ads so visitors dont matter.
They already get funds from the DHF from existing investors so new ones dont matter.
Thats why im setting this as a base requirement for my vote. If it wasnt free, extremely effective and easy to access I wouldnt. But it is, and no one cares to do it, so im making it my base requirement.

Great listening to you on @cttpodcast today.

I like the idea of being more public about your HIVE proposal if you want to get funding. Regularly being on Twitter Spaces is a small ask.

I think its a no-brainer

Yeah .... There are 420 Million people on Twitter and 2 Billion Active users on Youtube.... Does anyone ever tell anybody the potential for Creators who share on Hive ?? It's so easy to add a Hive link by Typing "" in any tweet same with a Comment on Youtube ... Watch I will Retweet your post with a link.

Shared on Twitter via ....

The reason Im talking about spaces is because by going on hive unrelated spaces you leave the echochamber that those platforms put us in.
Twitter puts you in your own tag and rarely anyone sees anything about it unless theyre actively engaging with Hive content on Twitter. And not many are.
Spaces let you get outside the limitations set by Twitter and get Hive seenby others through directly addressing them.

They will come sir


If we share peoples Good posts on Twitter and Youtube they will come ....

The Hive.Pizza team manually curated this post.

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Yes right. Very well elaborated. Hive is like an island.