Why does the price of goods increase when Ramadan comes?

in #hive3 months ago


We all worry about the rise in prices of daily commodities. The government is trying to reduce the price of goods; Still unable to control. Every year, the prices of essential commodities like edible oil, sugar, chickpeas, pulses, dates and onions increase in the run-up to Ramadan. Although there is currently no shortage of supply in the country, a section of unscrupulous importers and traders increase the prices of essential commodities to make extra profit around Ramadan. The price of gram, date and soybean oil has already increased before the start of Ramadan due to the increase in the prices of some commodities in the world market. As a result, the pressure on the low and limited income people, who are already struggling due to the increase in commodity prices, is increasing.

The price of broiler chicken has gone up to Tk 200. There is a fear that this chicken will have to be bought for 250-300 taka like last time during Ramadan. The price of spices has also increased. Rising prices of essential commodities have become a nightmare for low-income people. There is only one reason - there is no control over the market. In the past, even though there was no shortage of edible oil, the manipulation of dealers created an 'artificial crisis' of soybean oil in the market. According to the definition of economics, commodity prices depend on supply and demand in the market. But that definition no longer works in many cases.

Syndicated traders are increasing the prices of daily necessities on various pretexts and endangering the common people. Poor people don't even think about it. Once the price of a commodity increases, it does not decrease. This has become normal now. It is very desirable to get out of this situation. Otherwise worse situation may come in future. So the government should be careful. To regulate syndicates, small and medium entrepreneurs should be involved in production and supply of products by reforming the laws if necessary.