
Greetings and best wishes from the Liberstad team 😎

Hey man! Hope all is excellent over there

Perfect thanks ,.. Liberstad has fields for growing potatoes and a 9 mtr poly tunnel filled with all kinds of veggies . Me and two other people live in our vehicles on rented plot's where we are free to use the surrounding soil to garden what we like .
Lot's of things slowly progress true time like the Granbar is closed up and isolated and some work on terrain and roads has bin done . I am now a decent excavator operator and dump-truck driver when needed . So yeah enjoying my life here every day with a smile on my face .

Didn't really get what your post is telling , i just hope you are good and stuff . stay free m8 .

hey man

have you tried unplugging it?

What do you mean by thatt mate?

xD just a joke cuz it's a typical "solution"

unplug from energy & plug in again xD