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RE: Goodbye BRAVE and Hello HIVE browser!

in #hive16 days ago

Great idea even if it is aiming big.
The most important part of this is external revenue from ads that buys back hive and keeps pressure on it.
For all of the projects built on hive only splinterlands put any buying pressure on the hive market as all the other refuse to think like businesses.

If they all generated revenue and used it to buy hive off the markets we would be looking at a different story right now.


Damn right,

The ad revenue would be very important, it would maybe be the most important part of the whole thing cause no ad revenue, no browser rewards, no reason for people to download the browser.

I agree alot more projects should be more focused on bringing in new funds. I think if someone were to create a real-world business for HIVE that brought real world profits back to HIVE and create buying pressure, that would just be the bees knees.

Do you think DFH would fund someone to start a catering business? HIVE burger? We put QR codes on the wrappers and make 1 in 25 wrappers a winner for 10 hive, LOL! You know what, that would be a cool post!! Im going to write about that 🤣

Splinterlands Smash Burger with Monster sauce

Thanks for the seed thought 😘