Simplify the process.

in #hive29 days ago

If you want to get form A to B then the fastest way is in a straight line. But obviously that's not always possible. Life puts a lot of obstacles in your way on that path.

The road is often winding with other people moving at different speeds on the same route. Stop signs to hold you up and distractions to take away your time. It's almost impossible to travel in a straight line to your destination but you can try to keep it as simple as possible along the way.

I work in a simple job now but in my previous one it always amazed me how many complications were added to each process that made it slower and harder. Red tape, procedures and oversight above what was actually needed. People love simplicity in their products.

There is a reason that businesses like McDonalds are so popular. They are quick and easy. Go in and get food. You know what your getting and you can get it without any delay's or complications.

It's a big part of why crypto has been so unsuccessful to date. Everything about it screams overcomplicated and awkward. The people building crypto products focus on the innovation side but tend to forget that the users don't have the same intimate level of knowledge as the creators.

It's why we don't have any apps to compete with their web2 counterparts. Some have tried but none have succeeded yet. Splinterlands have cut out some of the complications but still use multi chain bridges, liquidity pools, a DAO, multiple secondary sites to use the game which is a simple card game at heart. All of the apps and tokens on hive suffer from similar limitations.

Inleo is now joined to maya protocol via a cross chain DEX. It was planned as a blogging site that rewards creators after previous efforts at defi failed. I'm not saying that it's not a useful tool but we still don't have the app that was originally promised with one click sign ups, lite accounts, ad revenue, nft's, revenue earning tools. They went in a different direction and added more complications, more wallets, more levels.

If it's not simple it's hard to bring in the masses. The Instagram generation. Short attention spans and a lack of work ethic. They don't want to have to learn ten new stages to make one simple move. It goes against the grain when your used to all of this happening on the backend without you needing to put in the effort. I can't say that i blame them either.

  • Complications are bad business.
  • Simplicity sells.
  • Build for the customer.

It applies to all aspects of life. Keep it simple and people will thrive. Crypto is not a simple arena so the people who can understand it should be doing their best to bring the rest of us with them.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Also, staying focused seem like a difficult task because of the obstacles that you have mentioned but anyone who is really dedicated to what he or she wants to achieve will stay focused no matter what pebbles are in the big stones

It can be hard to keep going some days.
But if you want to be successful it's about that consistency over time. Keep adding a little bit every day and you'll reach your target.

Complicating things just because you can seems to be the work of middle management, sometimes I get the impression that they are just trying to justify their own existence.

There is a lot of that in the workplace as well. People trying to look busy instead of actually solving problems and making our lives easier.

They just get in the way and slow down the whole process which slows everybody around them as well. But they can show how much they have been involved and look good to the higher ups.

Lot of complications. Most of the time site has errors. After that you pay premium, still don't get curation. Then you get token that has no dividend value. One adjustment after another. You can't even complain on Hive as it backfires instead. Well moving on...haha.

I'm still sticking with LEO as i like the vision and have a decent stake in here that i would hate to give up.

With that said i'm not adding any more unless i see real progress and that the team can finish what they start. I will stay writing and researching for any other good projects while earning a few rewards and build my HBD.

Who knows, someday we might get the blogging site that has always been promised.

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I couldn't agree more. I for one can handle more complex stuff, but if we want mass adoption in crypto, things need to be simplified still by a great degree (although we have to admit they are much simpler than a few years ago, but we don't often think about how things used to be).