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RE: DeFi on Hive: It's Time

in #hive3 years ago

That's all exciting stuff and I didn't realise you could earn interest on HBD? I thought that was always 0% and you could only convert or trade in the internal market to HIVE. I checked the hiveblocks site and it said 0 next to the HBD interest 😔 or are there changes coming?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


"I thought that was always 0%..."

Most of the time, it is. Since Hive began last March, HBDs spent most days between $0.90 and $1.00. I would argue that interest should have been paying out a couple of percentage points for most of that period. But since it's a witness parameter, you'd need to convince witnesses that there should be interest. However, that has never been an easy thing to do, as most of them just have a hands-off approach, no matter the price of HBDs.

Hopefully, this will not be the case going forward and they'll get on board with a new strategy and better overall management of HBDs.

"I checked the hiveblocks site and it said 0 next to the HBD interest..."

Yes, the interest rate is currently 0.

"are there changes coming?"

Yes. There should be a multifaceted approach that involves the DHF and active market trading of the tokens, coordinated setting of interest rates, and likely a minor code change.

Thanks for getting back to me, I'll keep an eye on the HBD discussion!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta