Music Tribe!

in #hive3 years ago


Hidden Gem!

If you are new to HIVE, you may not know that HIVE started as Steemit and is now growing rapidly and developing into the ecosystem you are familiar with. Steemit, however, was much simpler than HIVE is, simply a blogging platform really. Now, however, Tribes are beginning to form, and the first one I am aware of is Music for Life, and currently, it is set up the way Steemit originally was. Today, I wrote a post for the platform, but I do not believe the platforms cross-post, and since this post has some good music to check out, I wanted to share it here as well. I hope you enjoy it!

Red Pill "Protest" Music

Destiny Lab - Christian "Protest Music."

Old School

Growing up, I was introduced to the idea that music was very important in a person's life. My Dad was big on Deep Purple, George Thoroughgood, Ted Nugent, Black Sabbath, and Led Zeppelin. You know, "Classic Rock. When I "came into my own" musical tastes, it was the early 1980's, and the "Pop" music scene was what all the kids were into, and I was too for a while. Men at Work was my favorite, but then I began to branch out. Hip-Hop had just gotten started and I was an early listener. As my life got progressively more chaotic, my musical taste branched into Heavy Metal and Gangsta Rap, until the early '90s, when I started to focus on what I like to call "Protest Music."

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RATM was not the first...

Of course, most of you will be familiar with Rage Against the Machine and their song "Freedom," but you should know that they were not the first band to produce what can be called "Protest Music." Bands like Black Sabbath with their song "War Pigs" was one of the greatest protest songs ever made, however, the times were very different and bands could not really be as open with what they were saying. Of course, this led to a lot of allegory in the music, and then legends arose about what the band "really" meant when they made the song. There are many songs that have legends around how they were made. "Stairway to Heaven" is an excellent example of this being true.

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ODDTV - "Truther Protest Music"

Enter the "Truthers..."

Recently, there has arisen a new trend in "Protest Music," and that is people using music as a way to express their beliefs that maybe are not accepted by the mainstream. Two great examples of this are O.D.D. TV who focuses on teaching the masses that the Earth is flat, and Destiny Lab, which focuses on teaching the coming Christian Armageddon. Now, regardless of what you think of the Flat Earth, and I am not a believer, by the way, that does not change the fact that this guy makes good music, and it does not all focus on the flat Earth. A lot of his music in general "too much control by the government and banking system" music, and is worth hearing. One of his best songs, in my opinion, is "End of the Tunnel," which focuses on this topic. Destiny Lab, on the other hand, has a great song called "Obsolete Man" which speaks to the take over by technology of mankind.

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Media Bear - Parody "Protest Music"

Make Protests Fun!

A new one on the "Protest Music" scene is the "Parody Band." While parodies are not new, doing it as a form of protest appears to be. Media Bear has made a huge splash on the scene by remaking songs with a humorous spin to make people think about the entire Covid-19 "pandemic" and what is really going on with it. I will admit, I am a huge fan of them in general. If you need a reason why I like them check out their remake of the Nine Inch Nails song "F*ck you like an animal," which they call "6 Foot Further." I am sure you will want to look up their other music after hearing that one if you have any sense of humor and you are not brainwashed.

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One thing that is extremely interesting to me about these newer uses of music to protest and spread information that may not be spread easily in other ways is the fact that it appears to be an international phenomenon. I am not bilingual, so I cannot speak to any music I do not understand, although I often listen to it for the beats or general sound, I do know in the U.K. there is an artist named "Chew (Chew The MPKiller)" who has a banger called "Its Nuts," and to put it mildly, it is not mild! This artist makes it very clear how he feels, and he does a great job doing so!

Me Doing a Mix...


In case you are wondering why you should pay attention to anything I say regarding music. in the above picture you can see me doing a mix on a forty-eight-track Pro-Tools control surface. I currently hold a BAS in Digital Media and two AAS as well as two Certificates of Achievement for Audio and Video production. You can see my demo reel -HERE-Beyond that, I am truly one of those people that have a musical taste that is all over the charts and eclectic. From Tom Waits to Geto Boys, I will listen to it if it is cool, and since I am cool too, you should just go ahead and be cool yourself, go and upvote this, then go and listen to everything linked in this post. Trust me, you will not be disappointed!