Well, that was unexpected...

in #hive4 years ago

Hello Esteem,
I have been away for a while and this is my first post since the fork, and for a long time before that as well (Lost keys are a motherfucker huh?).
I've been doing some reading and trying to figure all this out. Apparently there was/is a lawsuit going on and steemit screwed some people over (?). We now use hive instead of steem (?). WTF is mana, and is it the same as decentraland currency (?). Is this platform actually used for garnishing attention for thought-filled posts or spammed with feeble crypto farming attempts like steemit was bak in the day (?).

Show me around and explain whats new for me, if anyone has the time? It's a lot different, and I would love a small gift of direction now that I have regained access to the platform ^_^