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RE: FreeChain - Worth a Watch, but don't forget to vote!

in #hive5 months ago

Any mention of how the largest dApp chose to stay on Steem

Could've chosen other words. Not everyone switched instantly 1 minute after the HF. Does that make them stay on Steem as well in your opinion?

On Monday, June 1st, 2020 the Splinterlands game is planning to switch to the Hive blockchain


Unsure why I would choose other words... since the words that I used were mine to choose in the first place.

As to the date... that was a little over two months after the Hard Fork that created Hive.

To answer your question in the simplest terms possible and share my perspective: No it does not.

Whether you choose to steer the topic or not with the words you choose, that's indeed not up to me. Just pointing it out in case you'd be interested in constructive conversation.

Exactly, so in 2 months time, the biggest dApp finalized their move to Hive. How can you state "they chose to stay on Steem"? That's a complete riddle to me.

I guess that since their Discord logs got deleted by a supposed 'rogue actor' we will never know the truth of the matter will we.