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RE: Is Hive Selling Sizzle And... Stakes?

in #hive3 years ago

Hmm, makes sense, I think I'm getting the picture. Thank you. Perhaps I'll find out by delegating to others one day? I've been focused on creating content, 6 fairly in-depth posts in as many days means I haven't focused much on voting, so I'll explore it more soon. :)


If you're voting without any HP, it's just a like button with a limited number of fully charged 'likes'. When voting with HP, you're entitled to a portion of the 50%/50% author/consumer/curator/post reward pool generated with each post published. The more stake you own, the higher the return you'll receive with each vote given, and depending on a few variables. Authors receive 50% of the post reward pool by default, also depending on a few variables.

Ahhh, that makes it clearer. So when I vote, I'm actually becoming an 'investor' in a piece of content.

And my 'investment return' per vote depends on my stake? (which is the same as HivePower?)

I think I'm getting it. If there's no central location to learn this stuff, I'll aim to include it in my upcoming post for newbies & beginners.
