
You can get the total number of active accounts in the time period with this:

select count(*) as count
from Accounts a
WHERE (a.last_vote_time >= '2022-05-23 00:00:00.000' or a.last_post >= '2022-05-23 00:00:00.000')

And the number of the same with location data set with this:

select count(*) as count
from Accounts a
where a.posting_json_metadata like '%"location":%'
and (a.last_vote_time >= '2022-05-23 00:00:00.000' or a.last_post >= '2022-05-23 00:00:00.000')

That amounts to 25458 and 13804 respectively. The rest is just subtraction.

Worth noting that if you're not joining on anything, you don't need to alias Accounts or provide the a. on your Where statements since the only table it's referencing is Accounts and therefore the identifier is unique by default.

This query gives some useful results but they need cleaning up (lots of variations that mean the same thing)

select count(*) as count, JSON_VALUE(posting_json_metadata,'$.profile.location') as location
from Accounts a
WHERE a.posting_json_metadata like '%"location":%'
AND (a.last_vote_time >= '2022-05-23 00:00:00.000' or a.last_post >= '2022-05-23 00:00:00.000')
GROUP BY JSON_VALUE(posting_json_metadata,'$.profile.location')

That will get a lot of results, but could make a list we could work from. Queries need to exclude false results, e.g. 'Northern Ireland' contains 'Ireland'. Various city names exist in multiple countries.

I just ran that query. We have 18 each on the Moon and Mars :) Lots of cities listed without a country.

Compiling a comprehensive list will involve a fair bit of manual work. I check each person I add for the Brit List. I have a query that looks at lots of locations, but excludes any I already have.

I'm doing some manual cleanup of the data as we speak. It won't be perfect, I will not check every account manually.

Have fun! As someone else said there are tools to process locations, but the data is really messy. I'll be interested to see a version that includes more of the active users. I know a lot in the USA got missed out. For the Brits I have some in my file who you might not find just with SQL.