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RE: How to get flagged on Hive

in #hive3 years ago

It is all a matter of opinion. If you are just giving yourself one vote per day then you can still give others plenty. For smaller accounts I am not so bothered as they may struggle to make anything.

As for the last one, if your valuable posts are not being discovered then they do not deserve your votes as they help nobody. You have to put some effort in to build a following. If you have the time to create valuable posts you can do the other stuff.

I judge each case on its own merits.



Although i agree with everything else i slightly disagree on this

If you have the time to create valuable posts you can do the other stuff.

To tell you the truth i used to have the same opinion and partly i still have it. I realized though that there are so many different cases.

So i managed to bring a friend over back in the Steemit days. I told him what he should do and what he shouldn't and such and let him start his journey.

Now that guy worked so much in his day job and had other responsibilities as well that his free time was literally less than 2 hours. Imagine that he worked everyday around 12 hours sometimes even 15

So he tried and created some posts which took over an hour because he searched for some words in English as it wasn't his native language and published them. The vast majority of them went unnoticed.

I told them to try and interact which he did to only 2-3 authors given his time but failed. We even did an experiment, in which he wrote a post and i published it from my account and had my usual rewards.

So your phrase above literally is off in that case. I know what you mean and i believe most of the posts that earn nothing or peanuts are either abusers or people that write 50 words but there are always exceptions to the rule. In his case i think we had a responsibility because there was less manual curation and way more autovoting services

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I am happy to be wrong a fair bit of the time. But if someone has limited time to give to Hive then they have to decide how to allocate it in productive ways. Success is a combination of factors.

I still say that posts nobody sees do not really deserve rewards.

I know of one account that creates elaborate videos and posts them via 3speak, but hardly interacts. That is because they post the same videos on Youtube where they will get far more interaction as they have thousands of followers there. It is good that they post to Hive, but the few dollars they make are not enough for them to spend much time here. So that is a slightly different problem. I keep saying they need to get more of their Youtube followers here, especially as they may get demonetised over there. They care more about the audience than the rewards and Hive is just too small.

I keep saying they need to get more of their Youtube followers here, especially as they may get demonetised over there. They care more about the audience than the rewards and Hive is just too small.

true and that's a bit funny because a lot of Youtubers are saying that the worst about Youtube, how they demonetize them and how they get censored but still they are there, cause even then they earn way more money than by being here for example.

Youtube will continue to be stricter and pay less i think and what those youtubers don't get is that if they come here and bring their audience as well the value of Hive will increase a lot, so they will a decent amount!

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