
Yes. I am a big fan of going to places where I can get a real gage on crypto (amongst other interests) and not fluff, ads, or people trying to farm like they do over at reddit if they have tokenized karma. Plus all those places you can't speak about relevant crypto and decentralization subjects without some moderator deleting your post. I actually returned to Hive after being busy with Web 2 social promotion for @devcoin project. It's cool that you can earn here but I don't hold my breath. It's a good place to get read conversation by comparison. By comparison to Web 2 giants, I feel much more positive here. I still am active on by the way. It's because its a place that is still tolerant toward a lot of actual on-topic project related subject matter if you're in the right topic. That's how awful Web 2 is for social forums - I'm hanging on a SMF board running software from 2006!

I'm amazed more crypto people don't come here to discuss it as you would think they would prefer a decentralised platform. I've heard people getting slammed for promoting crypto even on Mastodon. I don't get why some of the open source crowd are against it, but there are many scams that give it a bad name.

Look at the value of Splinterlands though. Think about the Metaverse, Web3, and terms like "flow" "seamless" "interoperable" and you'll understand making so place seem not worth your time and seem like the public doesn't have interest in leaving places with censorship even when they are making truthful points... it's all a game. I assure you Ubisoft Entrepreneur Labs taking in a project called Xaya that's connected to where I hail from in my journey - Splinterlands (Steemit is where it began - very clever), and Axie Infinity for 5 months during COVID from 5/2020 to 11/2020 - you will see why this place is being PURPOSELY held back. All I have to say is I know from a few different experiences in my life that there's things I used to believe from the media and "social media" - then there was negativity and everythings a lie - and then came back my Social Sciences and Psychoanalyzing where I remain neutral about something perplexing. I look at why one would not want to spend time here. I look at why one would have interests in bashing people on a censored centralized platform with risk of bans. I look at a lot of sides of it, and I might come up with a reason. Usually the first thing I can come up with on a place that I need not explain to you the value of, obviously, is that the place is special - and there are people of influence and their financiers testing you to see where you prefer to spend your time. There's marketing and human research going on too. "Is there enough money people can make here to lure them away from using our echo chamber where we neg places like Hive or do we even need to because its pretty obvious that indirectly reporting crypto bs stories and fake news and constantly having fights and feuds we sort of drown out Hive and other places. My reason I'm back is the same reason I ended up her with @devcoin. I think about social motivations of people on both sides of the issue, and then reflect and try to make a decision. If I come back obviously it means I re-evaluated and re-confirmed my belief that this is a valuable place and we are still living in tested times.

Btw, back to the gaming I mentioned:

And since Ubisoft was one of the few Google "Stadia" Cloud gaming developers and publishers that announced (but not specifically) a plan to transition people's accounts, items, and games to somewhere but not specifically where I ask you why they are having to do so in the first place? Google is shutting down its servers for gaming and accounts - showing that sure clouds rock, but they aren't serverless blockchain DLT with smart contracts and engines to run dApps (games). ;)

Ubisoft's moves are obvious.

That's not the one reason Hive is a valuable place worth keeping down for the meantime by someone with motives. It's just another reflection of why a place like Ubisoft thinks it's special. That Twitter account has 9.4 M followers. They have social pull to bring the masses.

I'm not a big gamer, but I've been on various social platforms that got shut down. I'm hoping blockchain will persist. We survived the Justin Sun episode. Splinterlands have proven that games can work here and seem to be expanding. That gives me hope. These are interesting times as the Twitter situation has people looking for alternatives.

I think that having "gamified" blockchains that we can write typical blogs on and actually play games on as well as trade - with many choices which front end you wanna use bodes well for HIVE. I don't personally care if the Twitter bots decide to stay on twitter :)