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RE: Follow Friday: Ups and Downs

in #hive2 months ago

My old 'S' account is censored, so no point, but I wouldn't give that compromised platform anything now. It is a real shame as that's where our community started. We moved on.

I have a Wirex card that I can withdraw through, but I've not done that in ages. I think Transak can only put funds into crypto, but I may be wrong.


Yes it is a shame, but you're right, we've all moved on! Hive is here to stay that's for sure.

Have you ever 'powered down' or withdrawn from Hive? It is something I have never done, and am not planning to, but I would like to know how to as eventually would like this platform to part-fund some music related ventures (videos and studio time)

I did power down on the old chain and it paid for my nice guitar as well as funding some trips to events. I haven't done it recently as the price is just too low and I would rather increase my stake. If it can get back over a dollar then I may consider it. I know others really need the money and it's good that Hive is helping them out.