would this be the AI superhero that would save the hive?

in #hive2 years ago

i just ran this through tineye just for shits and giggles, no other images found, yep, before i ran that prompt or query through the AI prompt this only really existed in the dreams of computers, at least it seems that way.

I managed to get this cool AI setup going last night on my macbook air m1 and i gotta say i'm hooked, you've probably seen a ton of these already but this one seems to be the only one that's open source to a degree. I've already seen some bad ass figma plugins for this.

so yeah, i'll be using this for blog headers from now on, maybe explaining the scene or the day, trying to feed it a few variables of the day and see what we get. I love the idea that you can just give it a prompt and it will create you an image to suit, i expect video is only around the corner.

I'm seeing a lot of people use this for character design and even for mapping outside of an existing area for map/level design which is just mindblowing. the time to market for creating assets is gonna just be rapido, in fact, you can see a time where levels are just dynamically built and rendered into maps for gaming or even metaverse zone creation.

what do you think her name would be?
after all, she does seem to be the queen of bees! :)

humble x