Bumping some redfish to minnow

in #hive3 years ago

We have been checking on the updates by @arcange of the numbers of accounts at the various levels. We are still a long way from our 10k minnows targer and not going great for dolphins and orcas.


To try to target people who are very almost minnows we have used a @hivesql query to find them. THis looks for people within 10% of minnow level (about 530 HP) where they have recent posts and comments.

select a.name, a.vesting_shares 
from accounts a
where a.vesting_shares between 900000 and 1000000
and a.last_vote_time > '2021-04-01'
and exists (select 1 from Comments c2 where c2.author=a.name
    and c2.depth=0 and c2.created > '2021-04-01')
and exists (select 1 from Comments c2 where c2.author=a.name
    and c2.depth>0 and c2.created > '2021-04-01')
order by a.vesting_shares desc

There is still some manual checking to ensure they are not abusing Hive with spam or plagiarism. Some of those we find have been added to out automatic votes on HiveVote. You can follow our voting trail or delegate to add your support.

The aim is to be using as much of our vote as possible and recently it has been under-utilised. Adding more accounts may make better use of it.

There are lots of small accounts who are putting out good content, but do not make much. Please let us know of any you find.

The query to work on is one to see which of those we support has already achieved minnowhood. We may allow some leeway to keep supporting them for a while longer. Suggestions on ways to improve what we do are welcome.

Hive five!


Could you give us, your followers, the list of people you're upvoting so we can upvote them too?

I can look at producing a list, but you can check the activities to see the votes. I will look at updating my follows to match who I vote for, so you can just check the feed.

Cool, thanks!

nice I am on my way to minnow lol



thank you! Feels good

That is a great step from you. Keep it up.