Testing - is it me or what? Black Holes on the Blockchain!

in #hive4 years ago (edited)

Image source: Where do Black Holes Lead?

Seemingly whatever I do on the blockchain seems to disappear into a black hole. Upvotes don't register, comments don't show up, and posts don't either! This post is a additional test (after clearing my cache).

FYI, I tested the same on Steemit, and there it works!

Additional test - a old GIF avatar of mine:



OK, to add to the confusion, after nothing showed up (it still doesn't at this moment on PeakD) I tried the same post again (well, almost the same, but similar - this is it) one hour later. So now I have 2 near identical posts on my profile. Swell, can just imagine the fun the hivecleaners will have with that one.
This is the previous post, one hour earlier:
I went back to that post and added another image on top, so that the cleaners don't get their panties into a knot.

To justify the upvotes I received so far, I am adding additional material.

Additional images about Black Holes, and what they are:

A black hole is a place in space where gravity pulls so much that even light can not get out. The gravity is so strong because matter has been squeezed into a tiny space. This can happen when a star is dying. Because no light can get out, people can't see black holes. They are invisible. Space telescopes with special tools can help find black holes. The special tools can see how stars that are very close to black holes act differently than other stars.

Source: NASA


Source: Let’s Talk About Black Holes


Source: Living Near a Supermassive Black Hole - Scientific American

So this experience of a Glitch (not yet resolved on PeakD) has led me to make a post about Black Holes .... and I just hope that PeakD also returns to me unscathed, like Hive did!


Black Holes don't let anything escape ... now if I accidentally swallow a meteor, I spit it right out!



Testing if my comments show up now - FYI, this blog does not show up on PeakD!
I shared it on Twitter, but when you follow the link there, it shows the Error page!

also, checking back when I return to my profile page, this blog DOES NOT show up on my profile, neither here on HIVE, nor on PeakD.
If I refresh this page, my comments don't show up either!

but now it works .... on Hive, but still not on PeakD.

I chang API nodes - so now it works OK.

I can see everything. Maybe a change of the API server can help.


thanks - yes, but now all of a sudden, it works again! In fact, I wound up with near identical posts because I copied it from a simultaneous test post on Steemit. When it didn't work, I posted again .... So the Hivecleaners could have a ball with this!
It works now on Hive, but not on PeakD (at least not for me - got word on WhatsApp from a friend that he gets it on PeakD).

Thanks @condeas - I should have done what you said 6 hours ago, change API nodes. Done so now and it works again. I had changed nodes before when I had a problem. Seems a pain in the butt having to jump through those hoops to keep things going.