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RE: PSA: Do NOT be a Dickhead and Mass Mention or Tag People When Attempting to Gain Attention to a Post or to Call for Help... It's Almost Certain to be Taken Poorly by Most!

in #hive3 years ago

You witnesses & devs should just bake it into the code somewhere. Have it print out before it hits the blockchain when tagging 5 or more people saying "Are you suree you want to be a dick and tag all these people? Massive downvotes will follow."
Maybe then people would stop that stupid shit.
I've only blocked one user in my just over a year on Hive and I dont want to block anybody ever. But there are those times...


It's more of a sociobehavioural thing that needs modified in some individuals than a enforced on code level thing. Like, I'm all for freedom of expression and speech and whatnot and think that placing blocks on a blockchain level is kind of a dick move.. But at the same time people being annoying twats and mass mentioning makes me want to light them on fire..

Only blocked one user? Hell, That ain't bad considering the flock of fucking pretentious ingrates we seem to attract around here from time to time.