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RE: Psyber X Origins: Archangel Dreams

in #hive2 years ago

Im anxious to see the next generation of gameplay, because this WAS NOT it for me.. If the game is going to be a web-plug-in using java script or something.. I guess I understand... but this gameplay was/is trash..


Need more FUD so my bags are cheaper to fill up! Go post about this opinion of yours, it is true afterall. If this was going to beat Fortnite as the next generation of gameplay it would be another story with our token market and likely not launched on Hive yet as a next generation play to earn shooter game, I will accept something less than AAA and top of the line to get pew pew'n.
The value added to Hive already with Psyber-X onboarding and the bridge to Avalanche has surpassed most Hive games that are playable. Game also has stopped Unity and utilizing Unreal now, so lets hope the next gameplay video impresses!

dad used to say.. "Hope in one hand, and shit in the other.." This game looked horrible on unity engine.. if that was the case..

I need to reconnect with the guy who showed that these folks were asset flipping.

In the beginning we blogged openly about the Unity assets as the team was very small and building this game would have been impossible otherwise yet funding rolling in has allowed expansion, add the decentralized nature of the project and the founders vote on much of what the game does and they deliver, maybe you want to also say how bad the most advanced bridge on Hive looks at or just ignore facts that they are delivering and adding value to Hive while you poop in your hand! (I know which will fill up first, do you?)

I just tried to use psyberswap on hive-keychain-mobile ... and it dosnt work at all... much advancement.

on keychain mobile correct it does not, just noticed as I do the blockchain stuff on the PC and will get on the team to making it compatible.

Thank you for your comment. I'm not a gamer so I don't feel I have the knowledge to support or contradict your statement. I would love for some more detail though if you wouldn't mind. I can always use a learning opportunity.

My expectations of this game, however, are rudimentary from a programming perspective. Project management is more my thing. I for one didn't expect gameplay to be legendary at the start. My opinion is that you produce what you can afford, but must definitely improve the platform to the level expected as it moves forward.

I'm really wishing I could reconnect with the guy who accused these folks (and had proof) that they stole other people's assets (or paid cheap price for copy and paste content) and then tried to say it was a game that they built.

I thought the guy was bullshitting until I saw how absolutely horrible the "gameplay" footage was.

It's not FUD.. it's an opinion about laziness.

Actually, I remember that conversation. It’s on record in their post following their AMA session on discord. I can’t remember that guy you reference though but the conversation was lengthy and detailed.