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RE: How Many Of My Upvoters Are Actively Using Hive? (Addressing Downvote Cancel Culture on Hive)

in #hive3 years ago

There are so many people commenting on this topic that there are bound to be numerous views that do contradict each other to some extent. Having looked into this for so long, I hold off from making concrete statements of fact until the puzzle pieces are clear enough to do so. That's part of why I focus on data and testimonies from top experts, where they themselves either make statements of fact based on their own evidence or they make statements which they combine with comments about how certain they are of their accuracy and why.

In many ways, this and even most science is similar to a murder mystery puzzle. We get clues, we do experiments, we think and we draw conclusions. It's often best to remain open to new information and not be closed at all - at least until the truth is so clear that nothing is likely to ever change it.

Humans are being faced with choices regarding COVID19 that may be life/death for them and their children, so clearly it is the obligation of all caring people to do their own due diligence research. Unfortunately, the topic in hand is very complicated and it is obvious that substantial amounts of the information are being distorted for profit - in other words, we are being lied to as we try to survive something that the evidence suggests may have been created BY the people who are getting caught spreading the lies AND who, we are being told, are the 'top experts'.

The fact that Fauci in the US, most of the characters in the UK Gov's team and numerous others have been caught red handed so many times in either blatant lies, fraud or just having massive conflicts of interest SHOULD be sufficient for everyone to put the world on hold until this is deeply looked into. Unfortunately, few people are willing to do any real work and are more than happy to pass off responsibility. Unfortunately, the main people waiting to syphon up that responsibility are the very ones implicated in massive crimes against humanity.

In terms of the specifics of your points about the virus engineering, vaccines and deaths etc - the page linked by @thoughts-in-time contains many links to articles I have published on Hive which fill in the gaps from my perspective. There is ample data to demonstrate that the size and scope of COVID19 has been hyped to generate fear and probably to centralise power/wealth. This doesn't mean that SARS CoV2 doesn't exist or isn't dangerous - it just means it has likely been misrepresented for profit and personal power gain.

In terms of the experimental injections, I suggest checking out the numerous articles I wrote on that topic for more info. The summary is that the primary way we have of tracking the safety (independent of the pharma industry's own 'studies') is the public adverse reaction reporting databases. These are known to be under-reported by 40-100 times, a fact that the pharma industry NEVER acknowledges publicly. The constant stream of videos of vaccine injured people and deaths is never ending so far and there are numerous pathologists who have spoken out to warn that the situation is not being properly monitored. Very few autopsies have been performed on COVID19 patients, especially not looking for vaccine injury. You can see statements from Dr. Ryan Cole and also testimony from a top Pathologist in Germany in my articles, stating that a very high percentage of people who are dying are doing so due to the shots and not COVID19. Plenty of them are being logged as COVID19 deaths too.

The full scope of what SARS CoV2 is, is yet to be fully revealed. I track various researchers online who are diligently doing independent research into it and the consensus so far seems to be that it is indeed a potentially very dangerous pathogen long term. However, there are also numerous safe options for self defence from it which are being deliberately buried in favour of profitable 'vaccines' that actually don't work very well and cause harm.

For me, the bottom line of all this is that despite all the complexity, there is signal in the noise. One of the main signals is that there is a repeated pattern whereby the actions of many governments consistently deny and cover up information that could result in lives being saved for free or for a low cost, while consistently taking obvious action that results in death.

I suggest listening in particular to Dr. Peter McCullough, one of the world's most cited scientists ever - he goes even further than I do in calling this an organised move to cull the population: