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RE: How Many Of My Upvoters Are Actively Using Hive? (Addressing Downvote Cancel Culture on Hive)

in #hive3 years ago

Thanks for your comments. I don't really know exactly what's going on, it's easy to judge, but better to try to discern productively. I'm definitely behind a wider distribution of upvotes, but just like the offline world resources tend to centralise around peopel that specialise in areas people want content from and those people then have more time to get better at it and draw in ever more people. I actually have been blogging on these topics for a very long time and have been told I should do it professionally, but I don't want to compromise and get edited by an editor - so hive 'seems' a good idea. It would be awesome to have a large number of people doing good research work and getting upvoted.. I definitely want to see a research focused layer 2 token here.

Hive is definitely a microcosm of the macrocosm when it comes to wealth distribution and it's use!


Very much for I have to agree with you.

Excellent thoughts and views and we will see what happens here in the future. I am definitely going to hold out hope.