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RE: Harnessing The Power Of Hive (And An Exciting Announcement!)

in #hive4 years ago

Hey Vincent! It does sound like we have very similar trajectories. That 2016-17 period seemed to be a period of transition for so many people. I'm very grateful to have made the move when I did. I would have been considerably more difficult to make a pivot like that now with everything going on.

Same here. I'm glad I made that decision back then.

My wife and I were considering a move to the Netherlands a few years back. I've heard it can be very expensive though but at least you get something useful in return for all the taxes.

One reason why I moved from The Netherlands to Portugal is money. I can't live the life I live now in The Netherlands. Housing is Portugal so much cheaper, especially if you pick a small town.

I read that you've got a dog called Amstel, I guess you named it after this Dutch river making its way through Amsterdam and not after the mediocre beer with the same name ;<)

I appreciate your kind words about my project. I love this phase of a book, when the writing is nearly done and you can focus more on the book design and the launch campaign.

Enjoy it :<)