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RE: ??

in #hivelast year

You should stay on Hive - we need people like you, connecting and sharing experience - even if it was a bad one.

You did the right thing but trusted the wrong person.

I gift you an account, for 0€ instead of 99€
And with all keys, also master and owner key - I will also advise you to change all keys after you have taken them from me :)

I will also boost your first posts with a couple of dollars :) !
You cannot reject such a good offer :) ?

Any ideas for names?
You can write me on discord: Baron#7742


Thanks, I would have offered the same! Let me know which account is created, then I can add some upvotes!

Julia is my best friend and like a daughter!
We are ok after learning a big lesson

Here is one more comment I share also here

things breaking apart very fast
you remember just some days ago?

good to see you back on the right path :)

I am very fast understanding when things go in the wrong direction.
Jean’s projects have huge potential and I am really sad how he handled my request to help Julia @heryanna with her new account and how he ended up posting himself on HER profil. Unacceptable also for me.

Sad because Jean is extremely charming, has a genius mind and extremely skilled as well as talented. I also considered him a friend. Oh well…..:(

There is one that has to be cleared before we are asking for money:


What is important here: to take some money or to help people to create their businesses?

newbies normally do not understand - that's why they want help
normally you get that help for free - even of hive directly
there are even free delegations

of course it is just scam to not tell the client anything - not even NYKNYC (not your keys, not your coins)
and asking money for this scam makes it an even crazier scam