What a grind: First time Users Experience

in #hive2 years ago

Joining hive for the first time I made some comments and made one post. It would take another 3 days before I could follow much of that action up with anything. Peoples replies going stale, the moment lost, and connections behind a wall of waiting. This is life when you can only post once a day. If you build your energy bank you get 3... Talk about watching your tongue

Maybe there is a better way, I hope there is. Since to get anywhere on a platform with such hard limitations on exploring the community is a drag. The low stamina bar means crossing your fingers a post get likes, or buying into the system I guess.

I don't anticipate the grind of one post a day getting anywhere in relevant time.

We upgraded out of the days of mail only to find ourselves circling back to similar wait times with this "new technology". untitled.gif

TLDR: The UI of hive/dapps are not good enough to warrant buy in and the UX is not worth the time.