Hive's Birth

in #hive3birthdaylast year (edited)

Three years ago......

If you were away initially, it might be hard to understand why we feel as passionate about Hive as some do.

So many times in the weeks leading up to making Hive a reality, many things went wrong. An Army of people was working behind the scenes as fast as they could so Hive could be born.

People who had no idea what a Witness was and why it was vital for them to vote no matter how much their account was worth learned what their Witness vote meant. People wrote posts and videos to spread information as far and wide as possible.

It was the one time every person felt their voice heard when making Hive a reality.

There was the fear we would no longer have a place to write how and what we wanted. There was fear the people who purchased our Blockchain did it to eliminate it. It was a scary time for all involved.

Every minute, hour, and day the Witness lineup changed. Sometimes for the good and other times for heartbreak. It was a tense time to be on the Blockchain.

Some people stuck their necks out father publicly than others and paid the price. Others worked without sleep for days, setting the cornerstones into place.

I was scared that it was going away forever. I was promised this would not happen. I trusted in the promise when everything looked bleak. I leaned in that promise for all my friends that were as worried as me.

Each day became a yo-yo of emotions, and the Blockchain became a living organism morphing itself and the people into what it would become. It was hard to go to sleep at night. You never knew what you would be waking up to. What fires happened overnight?

Through it, the sense of community grew stronger and stronger. People that didn't talk started talking. It was the one time in blockchain history when old grievances were put aside so they could live on another day after Hive was born.

The day the switch was flipped I held my breath along with everyone else.

Hive finally went LIVE.

We had done it!

Our home had moved addresses, but it was still in one piece.

Then it was time for the dust to settle and see what was what.

A promise was made and kept, and for that, I will forever be grateful.

If you came to Hive after the fact, know so many fought for it to be here waiting for you to come and be YOU.

Once again, Thank You to all those who worked so hard to make Hive a reality! I am forever in your debt.

Help someone smile today. It can not hurt you.


All photos are mine unless otherwise stated.

Gif made by @Snook


I wasn't there for that but I have been told how those days went and your description made me feel anxious, I can only imagine how stressed you all were. I am grateful for Hive, it's people and those behind the scenes who continue to work their magic to keep it from ever going the way that place that shall not be named went.


your description made me feel anxious

we all felt that wasn't fun. loll

Thank you for your comment!! I love Hive but thinking back and writing about that time makes me proud to of all involved. and not take for granted what we have.

You always remind me to be grateful that Hive even exists. Not only did it survive, but it's 1000x better than Steemit ever was, and it's because of all the people who worked so hard to code and er, fork!

But it's also because of people like you, who welcome new people and encourage them. You show people every day that kind is cool, and it's okay to be who you are. 💚

Both of these things made Hive what it is today, and people like you deserve to be thanked for that too.


Kind has always been cool :D

People just forget, cuz sometimes kind is harder than not.

Love YOU!!


And here we are :)

Yes we are :D

A big heartfelt THANK YOU to all of the folks from around the world who worked tirelessly to create Hive. I'm grateful you did what needed to be done to ensure there would be a truly decentralized place for us all. ❤️

we all own so many for all the work that was done to make Hive into what it is today!

I am so sorry I missed yesterday's podcast. I was an hour late :(

We had some tech challenges. For some reason Twitter seems to always give @shadowspub a hard time. So, we wound up closing the scheduled space to move to a space @shadowspub hosted.

PLUS, we changed regular day and time to be part of yesterday's celebration. So, folks who are expecting us to go live today at 8:15pm ET will be in for a surprise. :-D

Next week we'll be back to our regular show day and time: Tuesday at 8:15pm - 9:30pm ET

We jumped.. we lived! It was a bit nerve wracking at times, never knowing where we might land though lol. But.. here we are.

Three years later, still rockin. 😄

el futuro de la web!

Bendiciones y mucho éxitos was indeed a tough journey. Hive for life💯