ID derham will start a new life on the hive platform

in #hivebasics4 years ago

Life on a definite platform

In early 2006 we were joined with a popular bitcoin supported by a blockchain network and new platforms or digital currencies based on cryptocurrency, thousands of good tokens, or web promises or sweet projects are written on the homepage of each platform were very detailed and good for investment or various banking activities.

Decentralized wallet

For those of us who know a wallet that good platforms or purses to continue activities on the blockchain will choose to enter a decentralized platform or wallet supported by a blockchain network, I personally always look for a decentralized platform like the Bitshares .steemit wallet. Eos. Etherium, and finally I have to be in this Hive. In my opinion, this will be a step for the future of the Derham account aimed at the community in my country with a currency in the form of the Ancient gold digital assets of Derham in the future.
In the first year, Derham had issued assets on the Steem Engine that had not been running optimally because they were not ready for community or members and our goal was to continue the project with a permanent hive blockchain in the future.

The sure step here

We will choose the strength to continue to in the hive of the blockchain and this will be a great hope and have the support of the community of all people in the world.
we hereby build a system of work or project that complements the community and power in my country.

Thanks to the Hive blockchain and developer

from id Derham who will be waiting for to here.