Joined my very first Podcast: Social Confoes

in #hiveblopomo3 years ago (edited)

It’s Wednesday and officially day 14 of 30 of the #HiveBloPoMo challenge…
I kept Wednesday open to write about whatever comes up so I figured I’d share a bit more about myself!
Luckily, I just so happened to get invited to my very first podcast a few weeks ago!


I joined the Social Confoes podcast hosted by @jeanlucsr and @diegoameerali
It’s a great concept based on casual conversations with people of all walks of life. It’s focused on business, making and impact and connecting people, and as you’ll hear, it’s a pretty laid back environment.

In my episodes we touch on a bit of my personal history and how I ended up living in Curacao.
We also talk about Business in a small market, we talk about sports, and even national pride!
So if you have some free time you can check out the full episode here:
Or the video here:

I’m more than happy to discuss any of these subjects with you.
And also, let me know what you think!

That’s it for me today!

