Silent Sentimental Saturday Trip to Gloucester, June 2017

in #hiveblopomo4 years ago

For today's #NaBloPoMo & #HiveBloPoMo, I have a (mostly) Silent Sentimental Saturday Trip to Gloucester post, with photos from a visit to my hometown in 2017. Back in June 2017, when I was still able to drive (I stopped because of my Essential Tremor, which is a story for another post) I took our eldest down to my mother's place, because mom was having a surgical procedure and we wanted to help her out. On the ride down and back, we took some time to drive through Magnolia (the part of Gloucester I grew up in) and along the shore and I ended up with 19 bazillion pictures. I still have 100 or so that I haven't done anything with, other than decide they were worth eventually editing.

And I know traditionally "Silent" blog posts are just photos, but I figured a quick explanation of what I'm sharing would be! But I resisted the urge to caption them all... well, mostly. 😜

One quick thing before I get to the pictures - these were taken with my my Nikon in various locations around Gloucester and Magnolia Massachusetts, between June 18th and 20th, 2017.

Okay, now on to the photos!

Silent Sentimental Saturday Trip to Gloucester, June 2017

  Silent Sentimental Saturday Trip to Gloucester
  Silent Sentimental Saturday Trip to Gloucester
  Silent Sentimental Saturday Trip to Gloucester
  Silent Sentimental Saturday Trip to Gloucester
  Silent Sentimental Saturday Trip to Gloucester
  Silent Sentimental Saturday Trip to Gloucester
  Silent Sentimental Saturday Trip to Gloucester
  Silent Sentimental Saturday Trip to Gloucester
  Silent Sentimental Saturday Trip to Gloucester
  Silent Sentimental Saturday Trip to Gloucester
  Silent Sentimental Saturday Trip to Gloucester
  Silent Sentimental Saturday Trip to Gloucester
12. Okay, one caption - I got a nice surprise when I first looked at this picture on my computer back then. When I zoomed in, I discovered the name of the boat was...
  Silent Sentimental Saturday Trip to Gloucester
12a. ... Witchcraft, and it's out of Salem, MA. How awesome t is that? 😊

Hope you enjoyed my (mostly) Silent Sentimental Saturday Trip to Gloucester, June 2017

Thanks for stopping by!

My posts may occasionally contain affiliate links. If you click through,
I might get a wicked small commission, with no extra cost to you.

My photographs are taken with my trusty Nikon,
sometimes utilizing my handy dandy tripod.
Blog graphics created on Canva

All words and images are mine (unless otherwise indicated),
and can also be found on my various social media sites.

Speaking of witch which...


Posted from my blog with Exxp :


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 52 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Witchcraft out of Salem. Someone has a sense of humour!