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RE: Are you going to HiveFest 2021? Let's play "Can you find Forky?"

in #hivefest3 years ago

I found you, sorry I didn't read the instructions again..

As for the oc I got a buddy who loves it, but virtual reality scares me. I can't see the world around me and with a 6 year old that's fatal.

Still happy to support where I can!


It's going to happen, even if we don't want it. And now especially with COVID, things are even easier for the ones creating the products.

I think for the kids the usual applies, "right dose of new things per day, and monitoring, lots and lots of monitoring and educate" - Learning is something kids will always want to do, it's in their DNA to seek new information, so avoiding things is never a good practice in my view.

They need the right things in front of them, instead. But yeah... it's a challenge. I can tell. We, parents, fail a lot... and they will too. But that's life. Focusing on great things and having good fun helps quite a lot.

Damn... I am already on the 3rd (4th) paragraph LOL... stopppp! :P

Hopefully will see you there, with PC app =)

Post Covid Lots of people were sitting ducks for the Consumerism boom, after all no where to go and just MR TV or Internet to let you know what you need.

Yeah keeping an eye on the kid can be time consuming, thankfully he's back at school here. So he at least has his friends to play with and teachers for 4 days of the week.

If I can figure out how to go I might join in. Or I might pretend to join in and make a photo mask of me to put on the dog. Depends on how I feel at the time😁

Create an account and download the windows client, and that's it:

Also, register for the even with your account name and use the same account name on the altspacevr account. Done!