
Out of curiosity on what those numbers would actually be, I tried looking. Flights: none. Nothing to Amsterdam is appearing when I search during that month. A lot of flights here have been getting cancelled lately, too.

For the sake of guessing, I'd say a layover would be about £200 - £400 for two flights, excluding the returns. And I looked at airbnb just now: £300~ for something decent per night if I booked now. About £1000 for accomodation from the 14th - 19th. Excluding food and the likes, of course.

Honestly, with all that's going on, it should've just been digital again. Meeting people physically? Neat idea if people can actually attend. Some countries still have travel restrictions and many are made to quarantine on entry still, though. I'll be surprised with the cost of everything and travel issues lately if many attend.