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RE: Fixing Fences - May 16, 2023 @goldenoakfarm

in #hivegardenlast year

It is a bit of a bummer, but I'm used to it as I have needed new glasses for years now. The doctor going to bat for you is a rare blessing, I'm glad you have a good Optician. I can see far without my glasses but can't read or see up close without them and just haven't had the funds (we don't have insurance) to cover the cost of getting the exam and a new prescription, so that means I don't get them and life goes on. 😊

The thumb, index, middle and ring fingers are all only slightly burnt across the pads and a bit tender, (especially while I was washing the dishes in hot water this morning, they're not bad though, but my pinky finger is mad as a wet hen at me right now. I've banged it about a dozen times today, (while doing the dishes, just walking past things or getting slapped around by a dogs tail as we pass each other, which feels like being hit by something that's a cross between a horse whip and a Billy Club like the police carry,) several times as well. I never realized how many times I bang into things during the run of a day before, its no wonder I find bruises all over me and can't figure out where they came from...its me bashing off a cupboard or counter or table edge. I'm going to have to work on not doing it so often, save myself some black and blue marks. LOL! 😊

We have had a lot of crazy winds up here this spring too, wonder if its all the solar flares, the chem trails or something else completely?

Our power was back on that same day, thankfully. Though if it hadn't been on I wouldn't have been able to use the rotisserie and most of my fingers would be happy. LOL! 😊