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RE: Hive: Content Creators Launch Pad To Profitable Ventures

in #hiveghana2 months ago

I was just mentioning this morning on another post how hard it is to be consistent than writing the content itself specially when you are not 100% full time into content creation, there is always something that deviates you, after one year in Hive I feel already more comfortable and faster at writing content and I'm working on that formula that can get me to the consistency I'm looking for but this is not for everyone to be honest, the moment you stop for too long it's hard to bounce back


The whole content creation job or work is a kind of hard work, not so easy when you try to do it daily. I can understand you perfectly, it's not so easy stopping for a while and then bouncing back. Happy to know about how you intend to stay consistent. Keep Hive-ing!

@skiptvads! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @collinz. (1/20)