What Does Hive Mean To Me? Reborn!

in #hiveimpact4 years ago

What Does Hive Mean To Me? A reborn! A better place with a better community!

Photo source: FlashBuddy, Pixabay

Hive is a great reborn. A brand new start of one's decentralized place.

Hive is The New Steem!

Hive is the place for all who want to monetize their stories, thoughts, photos, videos, paintings, animations, crypto-related ideas and many more.

Hive is a decentralized place, where no self-appointed leader decides about the future direction. I like the idea of a project, where the creator is unknown or hidden and not deciding about the project anymore. Like Bitcoin!

Hive is the community! The community where the idea of decentralization prevail.

“My head is a hive of words that won't settle.”
Virginia Woolf, English writer

I see Hive as Web 3.0 decentralized application of wealth. A place, where everyone owns their own content. No one else, but the person who owns his/her private keys to the related Hive account.

The gift of free speech and freedom was not given to everyone! But on the decentralized blockchain such as Hive without any censorship and the higher good, I feel free to publish whatever idea I like and want to share with others.

And I don´t even need the Hive token pumping and dumping, up and down each and every day, by some magician marketing tricks. I believe Hive in the long run, in its inner value!

Blockchain is the truth. The ultimate truth. If there is no central authority or censor and the community is friendly and helpful, I see no better place for sharing ideas in the decentralized way than on The Hive.

A Hive, photo source: ClaraMD, Pixabay

"It was a great thing to be a human being. It was something tremendous. Suddenly I’m conscious of a million sensations buzzing in me like bees in a hive. Gentlemen, it was a great thing.”
R.U.R., Karel Čapek, Czech writer


Blockchain is the truth.

Love this.

Perhaps one of the reason why it will continue to win hearts in this society.