
So far so good, a couple of minor things.

It seems I had PostgreSQL 9.5 on my system. Then installing with your instructions worked fine. And all the continuing step also.

Only thing that did not really work was your import command. Due to the password missing. Setting md5 as method requires the password input.
Therefore I used a query like this to import, as you can read in the cited source:

psql --host=localhost --dbname=hive --username=hive -f hive_latest.sql

it the import (psql..) prints errors while importing the database, what you have is/will be a corrupted database. Somebody tried with 10.5 and failed.

That is also something I noticed. I dumped my previously synced database before importing.

Yeah, you need postgresql 10.6 :)

Seems like it. I was running 11.1 and hoped it would work out fine. But then it aborted with an error at 120GB size.

For everyone looking at the same, verifying by running

SELECT version();

helps to see which version is currently in use

I have confirmed running 10.6

I have the database crashing at 120GB with the following message:

psql:hive_latest.sql:345205000: ERROR:  missing data for column "img_url"
CONTEXT:  COPY hive_posts_cache, line 56927356: "57289501       breili  magicalliteraturenaturespirits-kcl8bly83b       steempress      0       1       60.4199982      0       19      19      Magical ..."

You’re importing with -f hive_latest.sql instead of console stream, right?

btw, my id is emrebeyler#9263 on discord. Shoot a dm :)