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RE: The Struggle For Adoption & A Crazy Solution?

in #hiveonboard4 years ago

Gamify sounds like adding steps and delays. It doesn't really help the user. Sure, let's make thing simpler, and more efficient, and explained better. But we can do that without gamification, quests, etc. Enough with the stupid gimmicky crap. Nobody wants extra steps and "games" and hoops to jump through. Gamification is the opposite of efficiency and funcionality. Make it optional, if you really need to gamify the blockchain, but please make the default option "off".


Sure it can be a choice.

The problem is...Most new people don't even understand step one.

And then they are thrown to the wolves, told to go create and poke around...But then learn they need resource credits...I mean, just the wording alone LOL

Why call it resource credits, just say 'you need hive power to operate here' lol