in #hiveph5 months ago

A true artist is not one who is inspired but one who inspires others. —Salvador Dalí

Hello there! Have you ever wonder why people loves to visit a museum, exhibit or anything that are related to arts? Some may think, “It is so boring.” But let me tell you something, arts can communicate. Yes, art can wake one’s soul and heart. Can be an eye-opener to some, can be an inspiration, and can be a way to open an opportunity for you, by any means. Today, I am about to share to you all the museum and my shots.✨


5th of January 2024, we visit the Orange Project but before anything else, I would like to share this background story where and when I discover this visual arts page named Orange Project. I am into arts but museum is not my cup of tea but upon seeing this visual arts page, I changed hearts. Why not? Museum is where can be an arts home, right? I discovered this museum while scrolling on my facebook account and caught my attention then. This is my second visit and I would love to visit here everyday. So, let’s go back to the present, I am with my cousin again. She is not into arts, frankly. But she knows how to appreciate arts so we went there together. Also, this shot was taken immediately because it is very hot outside.


Traversing Grounds” is the theme. Upon entering, seeing this made of clay art works, many thoughts ran into my mind. I was like shaking my head, people are so talented. It has a native design also and it symbolizes or it shows how life’s back there. I was mesmerize by how the artist really shaped it. Just amazing.




These are the cute artworks that I would love to buy but then I am saving up for school. Anyways, I badly want to have these works. You know, seeing it everyday will probably be a reminder for me to work for it, progress for your own, doing what is the desire of your heart. And before I forgot, I am looking forward for more black and white or gray photos.


It is said that it represents the interaction of human and nature. If you look closely, all them has a heart, and to think that you must have a heart for taking care and giving back to our mother nature. This show changes, depends on them what to feature next. Here’s the page, Orange Project. You can visit their page if you have time and if you are into arts and museum.
Also, while taking this picture, I got goosebumps. I think this art works sent something within me. Kidding aside but I love this one.


Among all the artworks inside and all the shots I had made, this one caught my attention. Fingers! You can see how it was perfectly entangled and this art somehow send me shiver. It’s like, screaming violence. See? Arts can gave you any meaning, may it be in the form of love, represents life, and such. Moreover, being at Orange Project really helped me to dig deeper, to find its new meaning and how we perceive this beautiful art works based on the viewers perspective. Again, art is everywhere. Learn to appreciate it and understand the meaning of the art works want to give you. And I do hope you’ll like my shots, captured by heart.

You have reach the end of my blog! Thank you for reading. I’ll be back again for more discovery and learning.


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Thank you so much po.

You're amazing @agnola! Your first posts on Hive are a great accomplishment. Keep spreading the buzz!

I will! Thank you so much!💓✨