The Sound of Happiness

in #hiveph3 years ago

This is a lucky morning for me.

As I was sipping a hot cup of choco drink, I heard a familiar noise.

Its the sound of that peddler.

Nyekek, nyekek!
Nyekek, nyekek!

A funny sound that will surely catch your attention. So, here was I praying it will pass our street. Our block is often taken for granted by peddlers since there are only few residence.

Nyekek, nyekek!
Nyekek, nyekek!

The sound is getting nearer. However, this happened before. Peddlers don't pass our street. Usually the sound always come from the adjacent block where there are more residences.

Nyekek, nyekek!
Nyekek, nyekek!

I can't see anyone coming. The entire street is blank. Ok, just will enjoy my hot chocomilk while indulging with the scenery.

Nyekek, nyekek!
Nyekek, nyekek!

It's frustrating. I wonder what kakanin is being sold. Kakanin is a Filipino term for our local desserts.

From my mind, I envision puto (rice pastry sometimes made from cassava, flour, milk, salted eggs and cheese). I can also imagine my favorite kutsinta which is patiently crafted from cassava flour, brown sugar and coconut cream. Thus, I made myself drool with my imagination.

Nyekek, nyekek!
Nyekek, nyekek!

"Ok, there is no hope. Just ignore it"

Nyekek, nyekek!
Nyekek, nyekek!

Out of the tall grasses an unfamiliar figure came out. It is my first time to see the lady peddler.

My hopes was declined as this peddlers appears not like the usual ones carrying two stainless containers hanging on a bamboo bar.

She is just holding a big plastic container.

"Oh, maybe she is selling something else not puto or kutsinta.

Nyekek, nyekek!
Nyekek, nyekek!

However, I am excited.

Nyekek, nyekek!
Nyekek, nyekek!

Alas, she is few feet away from me.

And we utter words together!

"Teh, anong tinda mo?", I quipped while she...
"Bili ka kutsinta, pito na lang", the lady peddler offered.

"Magkano po", I replied.
"Dos isa", she responded

My eyes glittered from the sound of "dos isa" which means two pesos each. Normally it is sold for 5pesos per piece.

I got even more amazed because the kutsinta is topped with yema spread and a generous scoop of grated coconut meat.

A very worth it purchase for 2pesos each.

End up, I bought all what is left. The lady peddler promised to come back by tomorrow.

So there you go. That is my happy morning. What are you thankful for for today?. Hope you can write it in the comment section.

Have a nice day everyone.



Yan BD masarap sa hot choco. Not lucky but bless!

panalo din yung niyog kasi juicy pa. Thanks @amayphin for dropping by

When fat people see food. Fat people want to eat 😍. I'm not fond of kutsinta but the sound of it having yema spread makes me want to eat it now 🤤

Yes, the yema spread is great. Thanks @pinkhub

Yeah I really have a sweet tooth, that the sound of yema makes me drool. I wish there was someone like that selling in our place. The old school yema is gone, most yema nowadays are so hard to chew. The old school yema is the best since it just melts in your mouth 🤤

this is what we are talking. post it sa hive.

Nyekek, nyekek!
Thank pinuno @tpkidkai

Yay! 🤗
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Such a blissful morning!!!❤️ Back then, I always look forward to the sound of manong Taho early in the morning 🤗