Oh, that's such a sweet thing, to do it in memory of your mother's birthday, Sir Stephen! And apologies for the belated thanks, but I greatly appreciate the tweet and three cheers for it working right! Sending good thoughts to you and your family for tomorrow, and brightest of blessings to all! 🤗
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Always great to hear from you Lady Traci as the content of your messages are always uplifting.
I also strive to do the same as this life is so short and usually there's much worries and stresses out there.
Thank you for the appreciation and for the kind wishes.
Of course they are reciprocated!
Ps. Rita (mom) died in a car accident at the age of 51 in 1981.
I can prove it even if she technically came in second 😊), I do try and for that very same reason.Aww, thanks so much for those immensely kind words Sir Stephen! While I'm not always the most positive person (Lady Denise, aka @dswigle currently wears the Pollyanna crown - and
And oh no! Such a young age to go, and I'm guessing you were pretty young as well. I'm so sorry to hear that. As I know the clock is long past midnight where you are, happy birthday to your dearly departed mom.
Thank you Lady Tracy, I was 27 at the time, employed at Royal Baking Powder as their factory maintenance foreman where I recieved the news. My left leg in plaster, as I had a very bad motorbike accident the year before.
Funny thing is the following year 1982, still in plaster, I was summoned to bury my estranged father. He was 3 years older than my mom.
As the only son, with 2 sisters, I was always the man in the house, from small performing the manly tasks such as making the daily fire in the cast iron stove, haggling with the coal merchant in his donkey cart about coal prices, chopping wood etc, etc.
"Only for positive Hive ladies and those that want to learn how to be positive" lol.Maybe you and Lady @dswigle must start a community and call it "Positive and Loving Hearts" hahaha.
Hey, hey, hey!!! Don't you be talking smack about me when I am not looking!
@papilloncharity and @traciyork! :)
Ah! Lady Denise, so you are eardropping on our "skindering" conversations??????Lol.
Don't worry, you are forgiven hahaha.
We can just say that "Darling" said such and such and such and such lolOne has to be careful where one drops that famous @dswigle tag. In future I will give Lady @traciyork a code name for you.
Blessings, stay safe and thank you for the tip. I will share it with Lady Traci lol.
Blame Ginabot! She tattled on you.
PS check steemit wallet. I keft a little sonething fir you over the weekend when Hive was down! I didnt know you dont go there.
Wow! Just looked Lady Denise and a BIG surprise.
You surely have a golden heart and you know that had I seen it I would have thanked you.
Since Tsu days we have walked the road together and I hope and pray that we will continue till the end of our days.
Marian is also very thankfull and she just told me to send you her warm regards.
But I think that everyone knows that. Glad to tell all here that see this that @dswigle is a genuine person.
All bessings to you and rest assured that there is someone that sees all that you do!
Nearly Independence @dswigle wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.
🎁 Hi @papilloncharity! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @dswigle!Thank you kindly Lady @dswigle
It is always my pleasure!
I think that I know you too 🤣
Or at least your heart!
No technically about it. It was a faaar second. Mwah! Thank you Tracigirl!