The Short story of Alexander Summers, By Bear Bear

in #hivepunks2 years ago (edited)


This is Alex, Summers. Alex's mom calls him Alexander when she's angry. Alex is an aspiring Aircraft test pilot. His passion stemmed from watching world war II movies and of Japanese Kamikaze pilots ramming jets in mid flight. For practice Alex used to put on a garbage pail and jump off the roof top of his house.

After the third broken leg and his 21st jump, the Summer's family decided some therapy will be in order. As time grew by, Alex had plenty of physiotherapy, psychological assessments, and many many prescription's drugs used to calm Alex's obsession. As the years of adderall, lithium, and ritalin went by, Alex still could not shake his addiction. Because of his past non violent stints; all air pilot training centers refused to accept Alex's applications.

Alex decided enough was enough. If he were to prove his Kamikaze skills there was only one way to do it. There was an old army base near his childhood home. Many F-15 air craft were positioned on this base. Alex would simply need a an aircraft simulator, some pretzels, and diet coke. His good luck THC vape and Ski Glasses were to accompany him. Thinking best, he wanted to be as stealthy as possible. Alex would wear no cloths during the raid, but would sport his glasses for luck.

At night and armed with an E-Vape full of THC and dark camouflage he flung himself underneath an on-coming convoy. As the rain pounded the dark pavement, he rolled under the truck and held on tight. He then dropped raw aged beef from a plastic bag and a timed audio beacon with a 10 minute delay.

As the truck arrived the guard dogs seemed oddly annoyed and curious to the smells and sound just down the road. The dogs pulled their masters away from the convoy and the guards shrugged and followed their animals lead.

The convoy then passed through the checkpoint and as it rolled into the base he quickly let go and ran naked hunched towards the closest barracks. Inside he could hear quiet a ruckus. Seeing as it was near the end of poker night, it was easy for him to steal the necessary key's and clearance codes from the pocket of the first passed out air-pilot who was suffering a scotch induced coma.

What happened next is beyond top secret. Alex located an F-15 jet innocently parked onto the base. He clicked the key's and the cockpit opened as if it were a Lamborghini waiting for it's owner. Alex acted fast. After climbing into the cockpit naked, he then broadcast to the Radar tower that the show was about to begin! He fired up the afterburners and throttled to the fullest. As the confusion grew over the base Alex tripped the aircrafts anti-missile flares while mid flight and put on a show that would make Tom Cruise blush. Everyone wondered who is that guy! They never saw such graceful maneuvers. Even as the base scrambled the other jets to intercept they couldn't understand how their targeting measures could not lock on.

A smirk was brought onto Alex's face. He lowered his Ski Goggles down on to his his eyes. He smirked and grabbed the Stick and spun close to the ground clipping both wings off. To the surprise and awe of everyone on the base he managed to land the front of the aircraft less wings completely to a zero degree angle which he then proceeded to shuffle down onto the emergency ejection. As he parachuted naked in the cockpits chair he put up his middle fingers and screamed, "I told you I could do it Ma!"

Alexander Summers disappeared from all public record. Rumors are swirling that he was taken into custody and locked away for life. Other rumors say Alex is now working at Area-51 testing out the newest acquired UFO projects or vice versa they are testing projects on him.

You can find Alexander Summers on Hive Punks, in @bearbear613 gallery.



Swell Story! Might print one out myself of one of mine.. sad I was only able to get 10.