Covid19 has a weakness #1

in #hivesinger4 years ago (edited)
Hi everyone's!!!

Today, all humans are very familiar with one of the diseases called a virus that is often known as the corona virus that grows in 2019.

His presence can shake the world and he is able to separate loved ones resulting in death, he is one creature that is not visible to the eye of the eye but must be seen with one tool such as a microscope, but he is able to multiply in the human body in the lungs lung so that the impact of its presence can clog human respiration, if someone is unable to fight it then that person will exhale last.

The spread of the corona virus is widespread and fast from one region to an area to spread to all corners of the world, the spread of this virus is very easily contaminated from human doplets from coughing and sneezing so that it will live in certain fluids.

If a person's immune system is weak then within a period of 7 days a person will experience severe shortness of breath and eventually die.

Every object in this world whether it is visible or invisible, of course, has its own weaknesses even though the object has certain advantages, so to overcome them, scientists look for weaknesses to overcome them. So in this case based on observations of world scientists conclude that Covid19 has 5 weaknesses that exist in it, then in this case will be described in this post, based on their findings, along with his presentation.

1. #Corona virus will die with soap

Laboratory results that have been examined by virus experts that there is a weakness in the corona virus is that it will be easily destroyed and die if exposed to soap and cleaned with running water, because the soap contains compounds that function to destroy Covid19. So thus it becomes one of the government's recommendations and several other health campaigns requires us to be diligent in washing our hands both before doing activities and after doing activities in daily life, because viruses often stick to objects such as someone's hands when shaking hands.

The content of compounds found in soap that can destroy fat, DNA and RNA from the corona virus can be said as fat that can multiply in the lungs, then to destroy the substances contained in the soap itself can destroy the virus. So no wonder we are advised to always wash our hands and flush them with running water.

2. Corona virus can be defeated with #antibodies
Viruses will actually be difficult to enter the human body if humans have a strong immune system or antibodies.

So it is not surprising for humans who have healthy body immunity so they will heal by themselves if exposed to the virus. So it is not surprising for children not to be attacked by the deadly virus because in general children have a good body immunity.

Likewise for adult humans who have good body immunity ,bia will always be saved from a deadly attack because in general a healthy body always rejects something that is not good in the body. This means that your healthy body will maintain your own body's resistance.

So to get good immunity, the main thing you take care of is to take some vitamins such as vitamin E and vitamin C, these vitamins are usually easily found in fruits and other healthy foods, or you can buy these vitamins in drug stores in the city You. Then you have to rest and exercise regularly every day, then by exercising properly your body will have a good immune system so Covid19 does not easily attack your own body.

Then what about the 3rd weakness in this case the author will explain in the next post. These three things are like,

  • Easily eradicated by disinfectant
  • Easily weak when exposed to hot temperatures such as sunlight
  • Can not last long on the surface of the air.

Then the discussion of the three will be explained in the next post.


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ThemesCovid19 has a weakness #1
Camera PhotoVIVO Y12
Camera SettingType profesional
Location photoAceh, Indonesia