"My Hivewatchers blacklist. My apologies to the Hive community."

in #hivewatcher2 years ago

Source: https://pixabay.com/id/illustrations/maaf-papan-menyesali-tobat-silakan-3160426/

Hello everyone, with me here @lilemka . On this occasion I am here to post my deepest apologies to the Hive Community. Which recently I made some mistakes or community violations on some of my previous posts.

And I thank @hivewatchers for pointing out the error and warning me what I've been doing in the last few days about my personal transgressions and wrongdoings, and I'm finally here to admit my mistakes that I've made. First, I know that plagiarism is not allowed in this community. At first I didn't know that what I was doing was copying the post for me to repost it was a mistake or violation and one thing I did repeatedly wrong was that I reposted every post that wasn't curated. @hivewatchers tried to make me understand by commenting on my post which turned out to be wrong. And now I totally admit it was my fault, and make sure I don't repeat it in future I think enough this is the first time this happened to me.

Links to all the crude posts I made:

Post-1 :

before that I have to know all the rules and procedures of the hive community correctly. Starting from plagiarism and reposting, I repeatedly made the same mistakes without my knowledge that it was against the community rules. Like I said, I had no idea that reposting uncurated content could be such a fatal mistake in the Hive community.

Plagiarism is totally unacceptable in this community. and what I do is repost my content, and it falls under the category of plagiarism. Lastly, I want to apologize to all of you in the entire hive community for I have made mistakes over and over again. I have disappointed everyone. I sincerely apologize for disappointing the entire society and for that I want to apologize from the bottom of my heart. I promise I won't do it again in the future.