Come with me to read this sad work story

Today, after two months, I finally contacted the owner of a store that I approached at some point to offer her a job exchange to collaborate with my Instagram account. I do the latter regularly to oxygenate my account and to generate trust in potential clients by seeing myself reflected with other brands.


From the beginning my only objective was to collaborate, I did not ask for money, I did not ask for food since the place is a pastry shop, I only asked for collaboration. After showing a reference video to verify my skills and the owner agreed to create the content under collaboration. She put me in contact with the person in charge of social media and brand identity to agree and get the job done.


Things started to get worse

After two consecutive weeks writing to the community manager's personal number, he finally responded, and from that moment everything started to be a bit uphill, I had to do a pre-tour on my own to check the available spaces within the small venue. The staff is very friendly and agreed to show me tools and places to film.


Then 2 more weeks passed until I finally had a day scheduled to go to the premises and do the work. I spent approximately 2 weeks full time developing the script idea for this audiovisual work that was done in vertical format, which is also not the same as recording horizontally since the resources to generate frames or shots are smaller since you have to zoom in. or move the camera too far away. In addition, I add extra difficulty, all the work would be done with my iPhone, which although it has an excellent professional image in video, it is not so easy to record freehand, I generally use my DJi Osmo stabilizer, but since the video is B Roll style With very fast transitions, discard its use because you cannot take advantage of it.




The place mainly prepares Pavlova, a cake that has its origins in New Zealand, although others say that it was in Australia where it was prepared for the first time. The truth is that regardless of its origin, its name is in honor of the ballet dancer Anna Pavlova of Russian origin. who was in New Zealand and due to the impact her performance had, the locals in gratitude prepared a cake and offered it to her with the dancer's name. Today this cake is popular in many parts of the world so even in Venezuela this delicious cake is prepared based on sigh, cream, and strawberries.



One detail was the incorporation of a musical theme used in the last tour that the dancer gave before her death. The piece was called The Death of the Swan and it was a fragment that I used on this occasion.



I also took ballet movements as a reference to incorporate both camera and general plate movements, I also used fill light in some shots and followed the pink color palette of the same brand.

fatal ending

After making the video I proceeded to finish editing, it usually takes me less than 1 day to do music, color correction, editing, plus it is a 30 second video so it is not going to take forever.




After having the video ready, I was happy to show a preview to do the collaboration, and guess what? Both the community and the owner canceled the collaboration and decided not to do it because the video was supposedly not aligned with the brand's principles. They may be right because each artist has her distinctive stamp. Something that was clear is that there is a fear on the part of the person who manages the networks since the person does not do anything in field production that has to do with camera management or editing or anything, Vs my person who is capable of do all these processes on my own and with a lot of security and confidence that what I am doing goes through a curation process before finding the aesthetically correct and successful products.

Moral: not everyone values ​​your work, without knowing everything behind it.