From the south to the south / Inwards

Here I close the batch of images that I made for a contemporary dance company called Lenguajes del Sur.


The issue of southern America is somewhat complicated. Perhaps there is no greater cultural nuance than that of America in general. But in the case of South America it is something unique. The invasion mainly of Colonial Spain and then in coming centuries the migration of people from all over the world led to having a strong and quite rich cultural identity.


Currently, South America is immersed in different political points, some similar and others equidistant from the realities that in the end have a lot in common. Poverty and great wealth adding populations that are so small compared to other countries that in theory there should be no economic problems of any kind.


Inwards is a work of new dance that tries to focus on fragments such as the issue of migration of Venezuelans to other countries as a result of the deep economic crisis that has hit, destroyed and segmented for more than a decade.


Here we can find complex pictures of friendship, of competing for vital resources in the transit of the Darién jungle, as well as how death has been constant in those who dare to cross these borders of no one in order to have a better life in the United States. Joined.





One of the most interesting aspects of this work is its documentary capacity. If it remains active, it could be a document in the form of a dance that shows the realities contacted by the Venezuelans themselves, since its director is Venezuelan and decided to make this creation based on experiences after migrating to Colombia and later to Ecuador just at the time of maximum tensions.




Passing through the famous trochas that are the aboriginal roads that exist on the border of Venezuela and that are mainly controlled by aboriginal groups and armed paramilitary groups that for more than 70 years have had influence on how that beautiful jungle environment is drawn and blurred. but chaotic at the same time.