My Hivewatchers blacklist. My apologies to the Hive community.

Hello dear community, I write this post with the purpose of apologizing to this prestigious community for some mistakes I made in the past. It was 2016 and the economic situation in Venezuela was not very good. A good friend told me about Hive (at that time Steemit) and I decided to try my luck publishing. First photography, then music and then about puppets and theater. It wasn't bad for me but it required more money. So I looked for other alternatives.



How to request help from some whales which was not positive. And i
among so many people I wrote to a dolphin to whom I showed my best posts from my blog in order for him to support me with his vote.

A few weeks passed and said author suggested that I write on her blog, claiming that she did not have much time to write. What I did wrong! This is how my working relationship as a ghostwriter began. My publications were original but soon due to the demands of the account owner I began to make more daily publications.

Here are links where I take responsibility for committing illegal acts in Hive

There came a time of great stress and little desire to write when I started to notice that flamingirl was posting some past editions and I did exactly what she did from time to time. It is also necessary to emphasize that this account is not my property and that it is directly responsible for its errors. I worked on this account for a limited period of time.

When @hivewatchers discovered what I was doing she blamed me for all the plagiarism committed on her account. Then I realized that she blamed me for things prior to the period in which I worked with her. Because it was wrong What I did was wrong because many people trusted me and my good performance as an excellent writer.

Which brought more than two years of inactivity. I recommend all new users not to follow these practices as it will have negative consequences in the future.

My apologies to everyone Even so, I assume all responsibility, including the publications she made where she plagiarized and recycled.

Since she didn't want to assume anything. I am willing to do it. In short, my blog is clean and I will always be willing to have my activity reviewed. They can look through it thoroughly and won't find anything out of order. I am very sorry for having carried out illegal activities on the platform. I publicly commit to being a guarantor of good practices aimed at new and old users. Here I leave you some links to publications sanctioned by hivewatchers where I recycled. I hope this sincere apology has been useful and leaves a path open to forgive me and be absolved. I will make my 30 daily posts refusing payment and showing the best of me. How accustomed my dear readers were.