My Hivewatchers blacklist. My apology to the Hive community

in #hivewatchers2 years ago (edited)


Hi Hivewatcher and all Hive users

I have read the post: /@hivewatchers/why-and-how-people-abuse-and-plagiarise

Please accept my appeal. Below is the link of my abusive post:

This is what i have done
I have copied and pasted other people content into my movie review
I didn't state the source from where I'm copying
This is wrong because
what I've done here is considered as THEFT
It is unethical of me to stole people's idea and try to gain benefits from it

My act of plagiarism and creating fake engagement has brought consequences, where my account (@rosmadirazali, @dvdwritter, @bluetooth) and my family member account (@irmeyhamidi, @miszeda, @rahmahrazali) has been blacklisted by Hivewatchers.

I am sincerely sorry and apologize to HIVE community. I have learnt my lesson, and moving forward, I will not do any act of plagiarism again on any of my account.

Also, moving forward there will be no fake engagement using those mentioned accounts.

Rosmadi Razali